Team Challenge wall sit

What is a Team Challenge?

Want to conquer a challenge with a team? There are loads of team challenges to improve financial, mental, physical, and more aspects of well-being! You can find a team to join, or create your own and recruit colleagues! Work together to meet a goal, such as wall sits, steps, or more fun activities! Many different challenges run throughout the year, ranging from 2-12 team members! Most challenges last 4-8 weeks, where you can earn as many as 300 points.

Team Activities FAQ

How many people can be on each team?

The team size of each challenge can be found at the top of the tracker, as well as when creating or finding a team.

Isn't it unfair for smaller teams to be competing against larger teams?

Recruiting a successful team is part of the competition! Each team can recruit as many members as they'd like until the team hits capacity. To maximize your team's chances, get your colleagues involved!

What happens if my team doesn't reach the minimum number of teammates required?

Your team can continue to participate, however it will not be eligible for incentive points or other prizes. If you absolutely can’t find enough teammates, you have the ability to leave your team and join another team -- see 'How can I switch teams?' below.

How can I switch teams?

To switch teams, open the menu in the top right hand corner of the challenge and select 'Remove from your activities'. After confirming that you’d like to leave your team, you will be able to find another team to join or create a new team. Please note that if you’ve tracked activity already, it will remain with the team you are leaving (see below question).

If I leave a team does my tracked activity stay with me?

If you leave a challenge all your tracked activity will stay with the team. Your activity will not follow you from team to team.

I didn't enter anything last week. How can I record prior activity?

You can backtrack activity up to three weeks after the challenge start date. Simply choose the appropriate day when entering your activity.

The challenge ended before I could record what I did. Am I out of luck?

Possibly not! You have three days after any challenge ends to record your activity before winners are declared. To record your activity for previous days, see the question above.

I entered a coworker's email address and the system didn't find it. What do I do?

Most likely, that happened because that person either hasn't registered for this service, or registered under a different email address. You might have to ask them for the email address under which they registered. You also have the ability to invite co-workers using their username.

Are comments shown just to my team, or to everyone?

Comments can be seen by all challenge participants from all teams. However, you have the ability to mark your activities as private, in which case that activity will only be seen by you.

My organization said that one group is beating another, or that one organization division is beating another. How do they know this – if the teams were self-forming?

Your organization knows which group, division or other pieces of information are associated with each participant. Although they cannot see the assessment, goal tracking or other private data per our Privacy Statement, they can aggregate Team Challenge data for reporting and organization-wide competition purposes.